The Proven Benefits of The Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production Certification

The Proven Benefits of The World Responsible Accredited Production Certification

Today we’ll share everything you need about Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP) certification, one of the fashion industry’s biggest and most pivotal programs for ethical and environmental practices. If you’re a bag manufacturer or designer, you’re likely always looking for ways to help your brand stand out. You know that competition is higher than ever in today’s industry, and stakeholders are concerned about more than design and aesthetics.

Retail buyers and shoppers at the tail end of the supply chain seek to verify credibility and quality. They’ll inspect your bags closely before sealing the deal, which means they’ll be hoping to see more than just secure stitches and durable materials — we’re talking about acclaimed certifications that showcase your brand’s commitment to high standards.

Overview of WRAP Certification

WRAP is currently the world’s largest independent certification program for sewn goods, including apparel, textiles, and accessories like bags.

Launched in 2000 to counter the troubling working conditions found in sweatshops, Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP) Certification promotes manufacturing practices that are planet and human-friendly. The certification ensures that factories operate legally, ethically, and socially responsibly by safeguarding workers’ rights and advocating for sustainability.

Developers initially created the certification for the apparel and footwear industries, but it has since expanded to cover more areas of the fashion manufacturing world.

WRAP Standards and Requirements

Twelve core principles, which are based on local laws and international standards, guide WRAP certification. Companies that wish to obtain WRAP certification must ensure they comply with each of the principles:

1. Compliance with Laws & Workplace Regulations

Facilities must comply with all relevant labor and environmental laws and regulations in their respective countries and regions.

2. Prohibition of Forced Labor

All labor must be willful; facilities must not use involuntary, forced, or trafficked labor.

3. Prohibition of Child Labor

All factory employees must be of legal working age. Depending on the facility’s location and local laws, this means not hiring anyone under 14 or 15. If employees are still in school, their contracts and working hours mustn’t interfere with their school schedule.

4. Prohibition of Harassment & Abuse

Work environments must be free from harassment and abuse in any form (verbal or physical) between employees and their superiors.

5. Compensation & Benefits

Employers must pay workers wages that meet or exceed legal minimum wage requirements, ensuring they receive any mandated allowances and benefits.

6. Hours of Work

Working hours should never exceed legal limits daily, weekly, or monthly. Employers must give workers at least one day off within a seven-day period.

7. Prohibition of Discrimination

Employees must be hired, paid, promoted, and terminated based on their professional ability. Their ethnicity, religion, or other personal traits should never affect their employment status.

8. Health & Safety

Facilities should always be a safe and healthy environment for employees. Any residential housing for employees should be held to the same standards.

9. Freedom of Association & Collective Bargaining

Employees have the right to exercise freedom of association and engage in collective bargaining, and employers must respect them.

10. Environment

Factories must comply with environmental rules and regulations on a local and international level. They should always strive to implement environmentally conscious practices in their operations.

11. Customs Compliance

Manufacturers must comply with relevant customs laws and establish routines to avoid illegal activity when shipping finished goods.

12. Security

Facilities must uphold stringent security protocols to ensure shipments never contain dangerous or illegal goods, such as explosives, biohazardous materials, or drugs.

The Benefits and Significance of WRAP Certification

As the largest independent certification program for sewn goods, the Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP) Certification is especially beneficial for bag manufacturers. It serves as an instant credibility enhancer, which can help brands and factories build greater customer trust and loyalty in existing and new clients.

In addition to being a hallmark of ethical and environmental commitment, WRAP certification helps brands continually improve their business model. It encourages manufacturers to review their labor, environmental, and legal practices regularly.

SA800 is a certification similar to WRAP in its commitment to ethical and responsible business practices within global trade. Both certifications ensure fair treatment of workers, legal compliance, and sustainability. However, WRAP specifically addresses the apparel and footwear industry, encompassing environmental practices, legal compliance, customs, and security. This tailored approach highlights WRAP’s unique position in enhancing global trade compliance and sustainability in this sector.

WRAP Certification Process

Those interested in acquiring WRAP certification must ensure their business meets all of WRAP’s requirements and standards. There are four key steps:

1. Application

The manufacturer or business must complete an online certification application that gives WRAP an overview of their facility. Payment and selecting a third-party audit firm are made during this step.

2. Pre-Audit Self-Assessment (PASA)

Manufacturers can prepare for their in-person audit by completing a PASA or pre-audit self-assessment. The PASA allows manufacturers to compile necessary documents, information, and resources to make their audits smoother. This step is optional, but is highly encouraged by WRAP.

3. Audit & Evaluation

Next, a third-party monitoring firm conducts a full-scale audit of the facility to ensure it meets WRAP standards. A report is submitted within 10 days of the audit for WRAP headquarters to review. Further action may be required following the audit, be it recommendations, revisions, or requests for additional information.

4. Certification

Full certification is achieved once the audit report deems the facility is fully compliant and has been reviewed by WRAP and its independent review board. Successful candidates can achieve one of WRAP’s two levels of certification, platinum or gold, depending on the audit score.

All WRAP-certified facilities may encounter random post-certification assessments (PCAs) to ensure standards are still being upheld.

The Industry Relevance of WRAP Certification

WRAP is one of the fashion industry’s oldest and most highly regarded certifications. Its history and development hold particular relevance in this sector since WRAP and its guiding principles were specifically designed with the rights and conditions of garment and accessory workers in mind.

It’s a certification that can improve a manufacturer’s entire business model, from higher worker satisfaction and better compliance with international trade requirements to higher demand from global suppliers with a dedication to ethical sourcing.


Bag manufacturers looking to enhance their global reputation and provide a better working environment for their employees should absolutely look into WRAP certification. The benefits and importance of this renowned certification go beyond individuals or even companies; its guiding principles contribute to a more ethical, sustainable, and streamlined global supply chain.

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